Music Ministry

What is the Music Ministry?

  • Most importantly, music is offered to God’s glory to share God’s love in the church and the world.
  • Music enhances worship to provide diverse means by which we can feel God’s love, and nurture our relationship with God.
  • Music ministry helps develop God’s gifts when musicians share talents with their family in Christ.
  • Music ministry provides fellowship opportunities in a safe, judgment-free zone. It allows for an emotional release and boosts your mood!
  • Music ministry opens the door to another dimension of worship and helps us celebrate, laugh, cry, and grow as a congregation.
Peace Lutheran Church
music ministry

Music ministry opportunities at Peace!

  • Anyone wishing to play an instrument or sing for worship is encouraged to do so! If interested, please feel free to contact the Church Musician, Brittney Genal at or 920-676-5105.
  • The Peaceful Harmony Choir is open to all people and embraces a diverse selection of repertoire across many genres to support all voices and skill sets. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call Peaceful Harmony Choir Director, Mary Smith at 920-676-7235 or email Mary at
  • The Bell Choir rehearses Mondays at 6:00 p.m. If you can read music, you can ring! New members (of all ages) are always welcome. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to call Bell Choir Director, Mary Smith at 920-676-7235 or email Mary at